6 "Software"
15 "AS IS"
40 set nocompatible
45 let mapleader = '\'
46 let maplocalleader = '\'
+ - 48 +-- 39 lines: System Dependencies:
| 49 let g:jm_vimrc = {}
| 50
| 51
| 52
| 53 let g:jm_vimrc.docs = {}
| 54
| 55
| 56
| 57 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands = {}
| 58
| 59
| 60
| 61 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings = {}
| 62
| 63
| 64 let g:jm_vimrc.deps = #{
| 65 \ jshell: 'jshell',
| 66 \ curl: 'curl',
| 67 \ blaze: 'blaze',
| 68 \ javap: 'javap',
| 69 \ ag: 'ag',
| 70 \ fish: 'fish',
| 71 \ python: 'python3',
| 72 \ }
| 73
| 74
| 75 let g:jm_vimrc.is_mac = system('uname -s') =~# 'Darwin'
| 76
| 77
| 78 let g:jm_vimrc.has_python = has('python3')
| 79
| 80
| 81 let g:jm_vimrc.deps.JavaClassnameList = {-> systemlist('fish -c "classpath list-all-classes"')}
| 82 let g:jm_vimrc.deps.ClasspathJarList = {-> systemlist('fish -c "jars list"')}
| 83
| 84 let g:jm_vimrc.deps.google_java_executable = 'google-java-format'
| 85 let g:jm_vimrc.deps.buildozer = 'fish -c buildozer'
| 86
+ - 88 +-- 24 lines: Playground:
| 89 let s:pg_items = (g:jm_vimrc.is_mac)
| 90 \ ? #{
| 91 \ co: 'Files ~/Playground',
| 92 \ cj: 'Files ~/Playground/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes',
| 93 \ pg: 'Files ~/Playground',
| 94 \ n: 'Files ~/Playground/jmendio/n',
| 95 \ v: 'edit ~/.vimrc',
| 96 \ }
| 97 \ : #{
| 98 \ a: 'Files ~/code/abseil-cpp/absl',
| 99 \ co: 'Files ~/code',
| 100 \ cg: 'Files ~/code/guava/guava/src',
| 101 \ cj: 'Files ~/code/jdk/src/java.base/share/classes',
| 102 \ cv: 'Files ~/code/opencv/modules/core',
| 103 \ cp: 'Files ~/code/pandas',
| 104 \ n: 'Files ~/jmendio/n',
| 105 \ v: 'edit ~/.vimrc',
| 106 \ }
| 107 for [key, path] in items(s:pg_items)
| 108 execute printf('nnoremap <leader>e%s :%s<cr>', key, path)
| 109 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['\e' .. key] = 'Run :' .. path
| 110 endfor
| 111
+ - 113 +-- 85 lines: Plugins (vim-plug):
| 114 call plug#begin('~/.vim/bundle')
| 115
| 116
| 117 Plug 'morhetz/gruvbox'
| 118 Plug 'tpope/vim-surround'
| 119 Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
| 120 Plug 'godlygeek/tabular'
| 121 if g:jm_vimrc.has_python
| 122 Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'
| 123 Plug 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'
| 124 endif
| 125 Plug 'honza/vim-snippets'
| 126 Plug 'junegunn/fzf', {'do': {-> fzf#install()}}
| 127 Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
| 128 Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align'
| 129 Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
| 130 Plug 'moll/vim-bbye'
| 131 Plug 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter'
| 132 Plug 'jiangmiao/auto-pairs'
| 133 Plug 'tpope/vim-repeat'
| 134 Plug 'triglav/vim-visual-increment'
| 135 Plug 'tmhedberg/SimpylFold'
| 136 Plug 'majutsushi/tagbar'
| 137 Plug 'pangloss/vim-javascript'
| 138 Plug 'nelstrom/vim-markdown-folding'
| 139 Plug 'justinmk/vim-syntax-extra'
| 140 Plug 'jpalardy/vim-slime'
| 141 Plug 'itchyny/lightline.vim'
| 142 Plug 'ap/vim-buftabline'
| 143 Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
| 144 Plug 'google/vim-maktaba'
| 145 Plug 'google/vim-codefmt'
| 146 Plug 'google/vim-glaive'
| 147 Plug 'frazrepo/vim-rainbow'
| 148 Plug 'AndrewRadev/splitjoin.vim'
| 149 Plug 'shiracamus/vim-syntax-x86-objdump-d'
| 150 Plug 'romainl/vim-devdocs'
| 151 if isdirectory('$OCAML_OCP_INDENT')
| 153 endif
| 154 if exists("$BASIS")
| 155 Plug $BASIS, { 'rtp': 'vim' }
| 156 else
| 157 Plug 'jmend736/basis', { 'rtp': 'vim' }
| 158 endif
| 159
| 160
| 161
| 162
| 163
| 164
| 165
| 166
| 167
| 168
| 169
| 170
| 171
| 172
| 173
| 174
| 175
| 176
| 177
| 178
| 179
| 180
| 181
| 182
| 183 call plug#end()
| 184
| 185 if !exists('g:loaded_plug')
| 186 echoerr "ERROR: vim-plug is REQUIRED https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug"
| 187 finish
| 188 endif
| 189
| 190
| 191 call glaive#Install()
| 192
| 193 Glaive codefmt
| 194 \ google_java_executable=`g:jm_vimrc.deps.google_java_executable`
| 195 \ clang_format_style='Google'
| 196
| 197
+ - 199 +-- 92 lines: General Options:
| 200 filetype plugin indent on
| 201
| 202 set t_Co=256
| 203 set t_ut=
| 204
| 205 set scrolloff=0
| 206
| 207 set shell=/bin/bash
| 208
| 209 set hidden
| 210
| 211 set tabstop=2
| 212 set softtabstop=2
| 213 set shiftwidth=2
| 214 set expandtab
| 215 set smarttab
| 216
| 217 set autoindent
| 218 set smartindent
| 219
| 220
| 221 set backspace=indent,eol,start
| 222
| 223 set list
| 224 set listchars=tab:\>\ ,trail:·,extends:→,precedes:←
| 225
| 226 set number
| 227 set numberwidth=4
| 228 set relativenumber
| 229 set noruler
| 230 set showcmd
| 231
| 232 set statusline=%f\ %=L:%l/%L\ %c\ (%p%%)
| 233
| 234 set wildmenu
| 235 set wildmode=longest,list,full
| 236
| 237 set hlsearch
| 238 set incsearch
| 239 set foldopen-=search
| 240
| 241
| 242
| 243 set ignorecase
| 244 set smartcase
| 245
| 246
| 247 set fileencodings=utf-8
| 248 set tags=tags
| 249 set tags+=/usr/include/**/tags
| 250 set printoptions=number:y,duplex:long,paper:letter
| 251 if g:jm_vimrc.is_mac
| 252 set clipboard=unnamed
| 253 else
| 254 set clipboard=unnamedplus
| 255 endif
| 256 set errorbells
| 257 set laststatus=2
| 258 set cursorline
| 259 set sessionoptions=
| 260 \blank,
| 261 \curdir,
| 262 \folds,
| 263 \help,
| 264 \localoptions,
| 265 \options,
| 266 \tabpages,
| 267 \winsize,
| 268 \terminal
| 269
| 270 set directory=~/.swaps//
| 271
| 272
| 273 digraphs el 8712
| 274 digraphs in 8712
| 275 digraphs ni 8713
| 276 digraphs es 8709
| 277 digraphs ss 8834
| 278 digraphs se 8838
| 279 digraphs ns 8836
| 280 digraphs nS 8840
| 281 digraphs nn 8745 " Intersection
| 282 digraphs uu 8746
| 283 digraphs un 8746
| 284 digraphs co 8728
| 285
| 286
| 287 colorscheme gruvbox
| 288 syntax enable
| 289 set bg=dark
| 290
+ - 292 +-- 67 lines: Plugin Settings:
| 293
| 294 let g:lightline = {
| 295 \ 'active': {
| 296 \ 'left': [['mode', 'paste'], ['filename', 'modified']],
| 297 \ 'right': [['winlayout', 'winid_bufnr', 'lineinfo'], ['percent', 'foldlevel'], ['readonly']]
| 298 \ },
| 299 \ 'inactive': {
| 300 \ 'left': [['filename', 'modified']],
| 301 \ 'right': [['winlayout', 'winid_bufnr', 'lineinfo'], ['readonly']]
| 302 \ },
| 303 \ 'component_type': {
| 304 \ 'readonly': 'error',
| 305 \ },
| 306 \ 'component': {
| 307 \ 'winid_bufnr': '[%{winnr()}/%{win_getid()}(%{Layout()[win_getid()]})]{%{bufnr()}}',
| 308 \ 'foldlevel': '%{(&foldenable) ? &foldlevel : "-"}f',
| 309 \ },
| 310 \ }
| 311
| 312 let $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND = 'ag -l'
| 313
| 314
| 315
| 316
| 317
| 318 let g:ycm_auto_trigger = 1
| 319 let g:ycm_disable_signature_help = 1
| 320 let g:ycm_key_list_select_completion = ['<C-n>', '<Down>']
| 321 let g:ycm_key_list_previous_completion = ['<C-p>', '<Up>']
| 322
| 323 let g:slime_target = "tmux"
| 324
| 325
| 326 let g:bss_markdown_fix = 1
| 327
| 328 let g:bss_java_fix = 1
| 329
| 330 let g:vim_markdown_new_list_item_indent = 0
| 331 let g:vim_markdown_folding_disabled = 1
| 332 let g:markdown_fold_style = 'nested'
| 333
| 334 let g:NERDCompactSexyComs = v:true
| 335 let g:NERDCommentEmptyLines = v:true
| 336 let g:NERDDefaultAlign = 'left'
| 337
| 338 let g:tagbar_sort = v:false
| 339
| 340
| 341 let g:buftabline_numbers = 2
| 342 let g:buftabline_indicators = v:true
| 343 let g:buftabline_separators = v:false
| 344
| 345 let g:netre_liststyle=3
| 346
| 347 let g:tex_flavor='latex'
| 348
| 349 let g:UltiSnipsExpandTrigger="<tab>"
| 350 let g:UltiSnipsJumpForwardTrigger="<c-j>"
| 351 let g:UltiSnipsJumpBackwardTrigger="<c-z>"
| 352 let g:UltiSnipsEditSplit="vertical"
| 353
| 354 let g:gitgutter_sign_added = '··'
| 355 let g:gitgutter_sign_modified = '··'
| 356 let g:gitgutter_sign_removed = '·'
| 357 let g:gitgutter_sign_modified_removed = '·'
| 358
+ - 360 +--133 lines: Keymappings:
| 361
| 362
| 363
| 364
| 365
| 366
| 367
| 368
| 369
| 370
| 371 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['<C-[hjkl]>'] =
| 372 \ 'Move between windows by holding CTRL'
| 373 noremap <C-j> <C-W>j
| 374 noremap <C-k> <C-W>k
| 375 noremap <C-h> <C-W>h
| 376 noremap <C-l> <C-W>l
| 377
| 378 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['<C-[←↑↓→]>'] =
| 379 \ 'Move visual selection'
| 380 vnoremap <C-Up> koko
| 381 vnoremap <C-Down> jojo
| 382 vnoremap <C-Left> hoho
| 383 vnoremap <C-Right> lolo
| 384
| 385 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['[['] =
| 386 \ 'Enable [[,][,]],[] to operate on non-col-1-{}'
| 387
| 388 nnoremap [[ ?{<CR>w99[{
| 389 nnoremap ][ /}<CR>b99]}
| 390 nnoremap ]] j0[[%/{<CR>
| 391 nnoremap [] k$][%?}<CR>
| 392
| 393 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['\q'] =
| 394 \ 'Delete current buffer without changing window layout'
| 395 nnoremap <leader>q :Bdelete<cr>
| 396
| 397 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings["\\'"] =
| 398 \ 'Open NERDTree (file explorer)'
| 399 nnoremap <leader>' :NERDTreeToggle<cr>
| 400
| 401 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['\"'] =
| 402 \ 'Open NERDTree (file explorer) to current file'
| 403 nnoremap <leader>" :NERDTreeFind<cr>
| 404
| 405 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['\<Tab>'] =
| 406 \ 'Open Tagbar'
| 407 nnoremap <leader><tab> :TagbarToggle<cr>
| 408
| 409 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['<F10>'] =
| 410 \ 'Toggle paste'
| 411 set pastetoggle=<F10>
| 412
| 413 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['<F9>'] =
| 414 \ 'Toggle virtualedit=all'
| 415 nnoremap <F9> :let &ve = <C-r>=empty(&ve) ? '"all"' : '""'<cr><cr>
| 416
| 417 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['<C-r><C-f>'] =
| 418 \ '[modes:ic] Insert file name root'
| 419 inoremap <C-r><C-f> <C-r>=expand('%:p:t:r')<cr>
| 420 cnoremap <C-r><C-f> <C-r>=expand('%:p:t:r')<cr>
| 421
| 422 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['<C-r><C-t>'] =
| 423 \ '[modes:ic] Insert file name root'
| 424 inoremap <C-r><C-t> <C-r>=bss#blaze#BlazeTarget()<cr>
| 425 cnoremap <C-r><C-t> <C-r>=bss#blaze#BlazeTarget()<cr>
| 426
| 427 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['<C-p>'] =
| 428 \ 'Fuzzy-search PWD'
| 429 nnoremap <C-p> :Files<cr>
| 430
| 431 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['\w'] =
| 432 \ 'Clear search highlights (:nohlsearch)'
| 433 nnoremap <silent> <leader>w :nohlsearch<Bar>:echo<cr>
| 434
| 435 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['<F11>'] =
| 436 \ 'Ensure non-syntax toplevel text is spell-checked'
| 437 noremap <F11> :syntax spell toplevel<cr>
| 438 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['<F12>'] =
| 439 \ 'Toggle spell checking'
| 440 noremap <F12> :setlocal spell! spelllang=en_us<cr>
| 441
| 442 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['<Space>l'] =
| 443 \ 'Open Git ("Change [L]ist")'
| 444 nnoremap <leader>l :Git<cr>
| 445
| 446 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['<C-w><C-z>'] =
| 447 \ 'Set window height to 10 and fix the height'
| 448 nnoremap <C-w><C-z> :FixHeight 10<cr>
| 449 nnoremap <C-w>z :FixHeight 10<cr>
| 450
| 451 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['K'] =
| 452 \ 'Do grep for word under cursor'
| 453 nnoremap K :grep! "\b<C-R><C-W>\b"<CR>:cw<CR>
| 454
| 455 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['\\'] =
| 456 \ 'Show :tags'
| 457 nnoremap <leader><leader> :tags<cr>
| 458
| 459 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['\s'] =
| 460 \ 'Refresh UltSnips snippets'
| 461 nnoremap <leader>s :call UltiSnips#RefreshSnippets()<cr>
| 462
| 463 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['\<Space>'] =
| 464 \ 'Toggle foldcolumn'
| 465 nnoremap <leader><space> :let &l:foldcolumn = (&l:foldcolumn) ? 0 : 3<cr>
| 466
| 467 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['\a'] =
| 468 \ 'Trigger EasyAlign (See :Wtf ea)'
| 469 xmap <leader>a <Plug>(EasyAlign)
| 470 nmap <leader>a <Plug>(EasyAlign)
| 471
| 472 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings["C-W !"] =
| 473 \ 'Toggle buflisted'
| 474 nnoremap <C-W>l :set buflisted!<cr>
| 475
| 476 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['\a[:(]'] =
| 477 \ 'Extra/overriden EasyAlign items'
| 478 let g:easy_align_delimiters = bss#extra#EasyAlignDelimiters()
| 479
| 480 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings['\[0-9]'] =
| 481 \ 'Switch to buffer (from buftabline)'
| 482 nmap <leader>1 <Plug>BufTabLine.Go(1)
| 483 nmap <leader>2 <Plug>BufTabLine.Go(2)
| 484 nmap <leader>3 <Plug>BufTabLine.Go(3)
| 485 nmap <leader>4 <Plug>BufTabLine.Go(4)
| 486 nmap <leader>5 <Plug>BufTabLine.Go(5)
| 487 nmap <leader>6 <Plug>BufTabLine.Go(6)
| 488 nmap <leader>7 <Plug>BufTabLine.Go(7)
| 489 nmap <leader>8 <Plug>BufTabLine.Go(8)
| 490 nmap <leader>9 <Plug>BufTabLine.Go(9)
| 491 nmap <leader>0 <Plug>BufTabLine.Go(10)
| 492
+ - 494 +--155 lines: Commands:
| 495
| 496
| 497
| 498
| 499
| 500
| 501
| 502
| 503
| 504 if !exists('g:jm_term')
| 505 let g:jm_term = bss#view#TermView()
| 506 endif
| 507 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['Term'] =
| 508 \ 'Run a terminal command in a reused window'
| 509 command! -nargs=* -complete=shellcmd Term
| 510 \ eval g:jm_term.Run(<q-args>)
| 511
| 512 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['ReplaceR'] =
| 513 \ 'Locally set \r to run :Term with the specified command'
| 514 command! -nargs=+ ReplaceR
| 515 \ nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>r :Term <args><cr>
| 516
| 517 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['ReplaceRTarget'] =
| 518 \ 'Set \r to bazel target of the current file'
| 519 command! -bar ReplaceRTarget
| 520 \ execute 'ReplaceR' BlazeGuessCommand()
| 521
| 522 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['StopAllJobs'] =
| 523 \ 'Stop all running jobs'
| 524 command! -bar StopAllJobs eval job_info()->map('job_stop(v:val)')
| 525
| 526 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['SetupClasspath'] =
| 527 \ 'Set classpath to jm_vimrc.deps.ClasspathJarList()'
| 528 command! -bar SetupClasspath
| 529 \ let $CLASSPATH = join(g:jm_vimrc.deps.ClasspathJarList(), ':')
| 530
| 531 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['SetupTargetClasspath'] =
| 532 \ 'Set classpath to blaze target included jars'
| 533 command! -bar SetupTargetClasspath
| 534 \ let $CLASSPATH = s:TargetClasspath()
| 535
| 536 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['SetupCV'] =
| 537 \ 'Setup $LDFLAGS, $CFLAGS and &path for OpenCV development'
| 538 command! -bar SetupCV
| 539 \ let $LDFLAGS = '-lopencv_core -lopencv_imgcodecs -lopencv_imgproc' |
| 540 \ let $CFLAGS = '-I/usr/include/opencv4' |
| 541 \ let &path ..= ',/usr/include/opencv4,/usr/include/c++/10/'
| 542
| 543 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['FixHeight'] =
| 544 \ 'Resize window and fix its height'
| 545 command! -nargs=1 FixHeight
| 546 \ resize <args> | set winfixheight
| 547
| 548 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['SetupTermRainbow'] =
| 549 \ 'Add Rainbow-coloring to terminals'
| 550 command! -bar SetupTermRainbow
| 551 \ autocmd TerminalOpen * RainbowLoad
| 552
| 553 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['SetupAutoread'] =
| 554 \ 'Enable autoread and add checktime autocmd'
| 555 command! -bar SetupAutoread
| 556 \ set autoread | autocmd FocusGained,BufEnter * checktime
| 557
| 558 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['RemoveTrailingWhitespace'] =
| 559 \ 'Removes all trailing whitespace from the selected lines'
| 560 command! -range=% RemoveTrailingWhitespace
| 561 \ <line1>,<line2>s/\s\+$//
| 562
| 563 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['SetupMatchHex'] =
| 564 \ 'Match hex numbers'
| 565 command! -bar SetupMatchHex
| 566 \ match GruvboxAqua /\<0x0*\zs[1-9a-f]\x*\>/
| 567
| 568 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['SetupMatchNum'] =
| 569 \ 'Match decimal numbers'
| 570 command! -bar SetupMatchNum
| 571 \ match GruvboxAqua /\<\(0x\)\?0*\zs[1-9a-f]\x*\>/
| 572
| 573 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['Dis'] =
| 574 \ 'Setup terminal for viewing objdump output ($ objdump -d ... | vim +Dis -)'
| 575 command! -bar Dis
| 576 \ setlocal ft=dis buftype=nofile
| 577
| 578 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['ToggleFoldOpenSearch'] =
| 579 \ 'Toggle search on foldopen option'
| 580 command! ToggleFoldOpenSearch
| 581 \ if stridx(&foldopen, "search") == -1 |
| 582 \ set foldopen+=search |
| 583 \ echo "ENABLED foldopen search" |
| 584 \ else |
| 585 \ set foldopen-=search |
| 586 \ echo "DISABLED foldopen search" |
| 587 \ endif
| 588
| 589 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['SetupMath'] =
| 590 \ 'Set up abbreviations for math symbols'
| 591 command! SetupMath
| 592 \ execute 'iabbrev nn ∩' |
| 593 \ execute 'iabbrev uu ∪' |
| 594 \ execute 'iabbrev in ∈' |
| 595 \ execute 'iabbrev ni ∉' |
| 596 \ execute 'iabbrev ss ⊂' |
| 597 \ execute 'iabbrev se ⊆' |
| 598 \ execute 'iabbrev ns ⊄' |
| 599 \ execute 'iabbrev AN ∧' |
| 600 \ execute 'iabbrev OR ∨' |
| 601 \ execute 'iabbrev es ∅' |
| 602 \ execute 'iabbrev => ⇒' |
| 603 \ execute 'iabbrev == ⇔' |
| 604 \ execute 'iabbrev != ≠' |
| 605 \ execute 'iabbrev co ∘' |
| 606 \ execute 'iabbrev FA ∀' |
| 607 \ execute 'iabbrev TE ∃'
| 608
| 609 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['PyHelp'] =
| 610 \ 'Look-up help for python expression (: PyHelp <pkg> <cls>)'
| 611 command! -nargs=+ -bang PyHelp
| 612 \ call py3eval((<bang>0) ? printf('help(%s)', <q-args>) : printf('help(__import__("%s").%s)', <f-args>))
| 613
| 614 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['MakeOrSetup'] =
| 615 \ 'Run blaze, make, or create a Makefile with included commands (using ; as separator)'
| 616 command! -nargs=+ MakeOrSetup call s:MakeOrSetup(<q-args>)
| 617 function! s:MakeOrSetup(cmds) abort
| 618 if filereadable('WORKSPACE')
| 619 execute 'Term blaze build' BlazeTarget()
| 620 elseif filereadable('Makefile')
| 621 Term make
| 622 else
| 623 let l:cmds = substitute(a:cmds, '%', expand('%'), 'g')
| 624 let l:lines = split(l:cmds, ';')->map('trim(v:val)')
| 625 let l:cursor = bss#cursor#SaveWithBuf()
| 626 try
| 627 redir > Makefile
| 628 silent echo '.PHONY: all'
| 629 silent echo 'all:'
| 630 for l:cmd in l:lines
| 631 silent echo ' ' .. l:cmd
| 632 endfor
| 633 redir END
| 634 silent edit Makefile
| 635 Term make
| 636 finally
| 637 call l:cursor.Restore()
| 638 endtry
| 639 endif
| 640 endfunction
| 641
| 642
| 643 if executable('ag')
| 644
| 645 set grepprg=ag\ --nogroup\ --nocolor\ --ignore=tags\ --vimgrep
| 646 set grepformat^=%f:%l:%c:%m
| 647 endif
| 648
+ - 650 +--230 lines: FT-Specific Settings:
| 651
| 652
| 653
| 654
| 655
| 656
| 657
| 658
| 659
| 660
| 661
| 662
| 663
| 664
| 665
| 666
| 667
| 668 augroup ft_latex
| 669 autocmd!
| 670 autocmd FileType tex setlocal nocursorline
| 671 autocmd FileType tex setlocal tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4
| 672 autocmd FileType tex nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>r
| 673 \ :execute 'Term fish -c "mkt ' .. expand('%') .. '"'<cr>
| 674 augroup END
| 675
| 676 augroup ft_c
| 677 autocmd!
| 678 autocmd FileType c setlocal tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2
| 679 autocmd FileType c setlocal foldmethod=syntax
| 680 autocmd FileType c nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>r
| 681 \ :Term make<CR>
| 682 autocmd FileType c nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>R
| 683 \ :MakeOrSetup gcc -Wall -O3 -o a.out %; ./a.out; rm a.out<cr>
| 684 augroup END
| 685
| 686
| 687 augroup ft_cc
| 688 autocmd!
| 689 autocmd FileType cpp setlocal tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2
| 690 autocmd FileType cpp setlocal foldmethod=syntax
| 691 autocmd FileType cpp nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>t
| 692 \ :term <C-r>=BlazeGuessCommand()<CR>
| 693 autocmd FileType cpp nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>r
| 694 \ :MakeOrSetup
| 695 \ clang++-12 -std=c++17 $(CFLAGS) -o build % $(LDFLAGS);
| 696 \ ./build<CR>
| 697 autocmd FileType cpp nnoremap <buffer> <space>f
| 698 \ :FormatCode<CR>
| 699 autocmd FileType cpp
| 700 \ if exists('g:jm_setup_cpp_cv') |
| 701 \ SetupCV |
| 702 \ endif
| 703 autocmd FileType cpp
| 704 \ if expand('%:p') =~ '/home/jmend/pg' |
| 705 \ silent ReplaceRTarget |
| 706 \ endif
| 707 augroup END
| 708
| 709 augroup ft_gdb
| 710 autocmd!
| 711 autocmd FileType gdb nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>r
| 712 \ :execute 'Term gdb -q -x' expand('%')<cr>
| 713 augroup END
| 714
| 715 augroup ft_python
| 716 autocmd!
| 717 autocmd FileType python command! RunPython
| 718 \ execute "Term" g:jm_vimrc.deps.python expand('%')
| 719 autocmd FileType python command! RunPythonTests
| 720 \ execute "Term" g:jm_vimrc.deps.python "-m pytest" expand('%')
| 721 autocmd FileType python command! RunPythonTypechecks
| 722 \ execute "Term" g:jm_vimrc.deps.python "-m mypy --ignore-missing-imports --follow-imports=skip " expand("%")
| 723 autocmd FileType python command! RunPythonMPL
| 724 \ StopAllJobs | eval timer_start(0, {-> execute('RunPython')})
| 725 autocmd FileType python nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>r
| 726 \ :RunPython<cr>
| 727 autocmd FileType python nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>R
| 728 \ :RunPythonTests<cr>
| 729 autocmd FileType python nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>t
| 730 \ :RunPythonTypechecks<cr>
| 731 autocmd FileType python nnoremap <buffer> <space>f
| 732 \ :FormatCode<CR>
| 733 augroup END
| 734
| 735 augroup ft_scheme
| 736 autocmd!
| 737 autocmd FileType scheme setlocal colorcolumn=79
| 738 autocmd FileType scheme let g:lisp_rainbow = v:true
| 739 autocmd FileType scheme nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>r
| 740 \ :w<CR> :Term mit-scheme --load % <CR>
| 741 augroup END
| 742
| 743 augroup ft_java
| 744 autocmd!
| 745 autocmd FileType java
| 746 \ setlocal tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 tabstop=2 smarttab
| 747 autocmd FileType java nnoremap <space>f :FormatCode<cr>
| 748 autocmd FileType java vnoremap <space>f :FormatLines<cr>
| 749 if filereadable('Makefile')
| 750 autocmd FileType java nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>r
| 751 \ :Term make<cr>
| 752 elseif filereadable('WORKSPACE')
| 753 autocmd FileType java nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>r
| 754 \ :execute "Term blaze run " .. join(<SID>BlazeTargets(expand("%")), " ")<cr>
| 755 elseif filereadable('gradlew')
| 756 autocmd FileType java nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>r
| 757 \ :Term ./gradlew test -i --rerun<cr>
| 758 endif
| 759 autocmd FileType java nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>R
| 760 \ :Term ./gradlew run<cr>
| 761 autocmd FileType java let b:surround_99 = "{@code \r}"
| 762 augroup END
| 763
| 764 augroup ft_jar
| 765 autocmd!
| 766 autocmd FileType jar
| 767 \ call zip#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
| 768 augroup END
| 769
| 770 augroup ft_class
| 771 autocmd!
| 772 autocmd BufReadCmd *.class
| 773 \ call bss#java#javap#Browse(expand("<amatch>"))
| 774 augroup END
| 775
| 776
| 777
| 778 augroup ft_javascript
| 779 autocmd!
| 780 autocmd FileType javascript
| 781 \ setlocal tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 tabstop=2 smarttab
| 782 autocmd FileType javascript nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>r
| 783 \ :execute "Term node " .. expand('%')<cr>
| 784 autocmd FileType javascript nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>R
| 785 \ :Term webpack<CR>
| 786 autocmd FileType javascript nnoremap <buffer> <space>f
| 787 \ :FormatCode<CR>
| 788 augroup END
| 789
| 790 augroup ft_markdown
| 791 autocmd!
| 792 autocmd FileType markdown set textwidth=72 smartindent autoindent
| 793 autocmd FileType markdown set cinwords+=:
| 794
| 795 autocmd FileType markdown nnoremap <buffer> ]h :<c-u>call search('\v^#+ ', 'Wz')<cr>
| 796 autocmd FileType markdown nnoremap <buffer> [h :<c-u>call search('\v^#+ ', 'bWz')<cr>
| 797
| 798
| 799
| 800 autocmd FileType markdown command! SetupR nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>r
| 801 \ :call execute(printf(
| 802 \ "Term pandoc %s -s --highlight-style kate --pdf-engine=xelatex -o %s.pdf",
| 803 \ expand('%:p'),
| 804 \ expand('%:t:r'),
| 805 \ ))<cr>
| 806
| 807 autocmd FileType markdown command! JmMdQuotesAsComments match GruvboxFg3 /^\s*>.*/
| 808
| 809 if !exists('g:bss_markdown_fix') || !g:bss_markdown_fix
| 810
| 811
| 812 autocmd FileType markdown syntax clear markdownCodeBlock
| 813 autocmd FileType markdown syntax region markdownCodeBlock matchgroup=markdownCodeDelimiter start="^\s*\z(`\{3,\}\).*$" end="^\s*\z1\ze\s*$" keepend
| 814 autocmd FileType markdown syntax region markdownCodeBlock matchgroup=markdownCodeDelimiter start="^\s*\z(\~\{3,\}\).*$" end="^\s*\z1\ze\s*$" keepend
| 815
| 816
| 817 autocmd FileType markdown highlight link markdownH1 GruvboxRedBold
| 818 autocmd FileType markdown highlight link markdownH2 GruvboxBlueBold
| 819 autocmd FileType markdown highlight link markdownH3 GruvboxGreenBold
| 820 autocmd FileType markdown highlight link markdownH4 GruvboxPurpleBold
| 821
| 822
| 823 autocmd FileType markdown highlight link markdownBold GruvboxFg4
| 824 autocmd FileType markdown highlight link markdownBoldDelimiter GruvboxFg4
| 825 autocmd FileType markdown highlight link markdownItalic GruvboxFg2
| 826 autocmd FileType markdown highlight link markdownItalicDelimiter GruvboxFg2
| 827 endif
| 828 augroup END
| 829
| 830 augroup ft_vim
| 831 autocmd!
| 832 autocmd FileType vim setlocal foldmethod=marker shiftwidth=2
| 833 autocmd FileType vim nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>r
| 834 \ :source %<cr>
| 835 autocmd FileType vim nnoremap K :help <C-r><C-w><CR>
| 836 augroup END
| 837
| 838 augroup ft_fish
| 839 autocmd!
| 840 autocmd FileType fish setlocal tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 smartindent
| 841 autocmd FileType fish nnoremap <buffer> <space>f
| 842 \ :0,$!fish_indent<cr>
| 843 autocmd FileType fish setlocal omnifunc=bss#fish#Complete
| 844 augroup END
| 845
| 846 augroup ft_make
| 847 autocmd!
| 848 autocmd FileType make nnoremap <buffer> <localleader>r
| 849 \ :Term make<cr>
| 850 augroup END
| 851
| 852 augroup ft_ocaml
| 853 autocmd!
| 854 autocmd FileType ocaml
| 855 \ setlocal tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 tabstop=2 smarttab
| 856 autocmd FileType ocaml nnoremap <space>f :FormatCode<cr>
| 857 autocmd FileType ocaml vnoremap <space>f :FormatLines<cr>
| 858 if filereadable('Makefile')
| 859 autocmd FileType ocaml nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>r
| 860 \ :Term make<cr>
| 861 elseif filereadable('dune-project')
| 862 autocmd FileType ocaml nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>r
| 863 \ :Term dune build<cr>
| 864 else
| 865 autocmd FileType ocaml nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>r
| 866 \ :execute 'Term ocaml' expand("%")<cr>
| 867 endif
| 868 if isdirectory('/usr/bin/ocaml')
| 869 autocmd FileType ocaml set path+=/usr/lib/ocaml
| 870 endif
| 871 augroup END
| 872
| 873
| 874 augroup cfg_quickfix_fix
| 875 autocmd QuickFixCmdPost [^l]* nested cwindow
| 876 autocmd QuickFixCmdPost l* nested lwindow
| 877 augroup end
| 878
| 879
+ - 881 +--521 lines: Misc:
| 882
| 883
| 884
| 885
| 886
| 887
| 888
| 889
|+ |- 890 +--- 90 lines:
|| 891 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['FindImport'] =
|| 892 \ 'Given a name, find the corresponding import and add an import statment'
|| 893 nnoremap <space>t :call <SID>FindImport(expand('<cword>'))<CR>
|| 894 command -nargs=1 FindImport call <SID>FindImport(<q-args>)
|| 895 function! s:FindImport(word) abort
|| 896
|| 897 if &filetype ==# 'cpp'
|| 898 let l:res = g:jm_vimrc.cc_import_cache
|| 899 \->copy()
|| 900 \->filter({incl, names -> index(names, a:word) != -1})
|| 901 \->keys()
|| 902 \->map({k, incl -> printf("#include %s", incl)})
|| 903 if len(l:res) == 0
|| 904 echo "FindImport: `" .. a:word .. "` not found!"
|| 905 elseif len(l:res) > 1
|| 906 call maktaba#ui#selector#Create(l:res)
|| 907 \.WithMappings({'<cr>': [function("s:AddImportCpp")->get("name"), 'Close', 'Add import']})
|| 908 \.Show()
|| 909 else
|| 910 call s:AddImportCpp(l:res[0])
|| 911 endif
|| 912 return
|| 913 endif
|| 914
|| 915 if &filetype !=# 'java'
|| 916 throw 'ERROR(InvalidFiletype)'
|| 917 return
|| 918 endif
|| 919
|| 920
|| 921 if (has_key(g:jm_vimrc.java_import_cache, a:word))
|| 922 call s:AddImport(printf('import %s;', get(g:jm_vimrc.java_import_cache, a:word)))
|| 923 return
|| 924 endif
|| 925
|| 926
|| 927 let l:results = printf(
|| 928 \ '%s --nofilename --nobreak %s',
|| 929 \ g:jm_vimrc.deps.ag,
|| 930 \ shellescape(printf('import .+\b%s\b;', a:word)))
|| 931 \->systemlist()
|| 932 \->sort()
|| 933 \->uniq()
|| 934
|| 935
|| 936 if empty(l:results)
|| 937 let l:results = g:jm_vimrc.deps.JavaClassnameList()
|| 938 \->filter('v:val =~# a:word')
|| 939 \->map('"import " .. v:val .. ";"')
|| 940 endif
|| 941
|| 942 if len(l:results) == 1
|| 943 call s:AddImport(l:results[0])
|| 944 elseif len(l:results) > 1
|| 945 call maktaba#ui#selector#Create(l:results)
|| 946 \.WithMappings({'<cr>': [function("s:AddImport")->get("name"), 'Close', 'Add import']})
|| 947 \.Show()
|| 948 endif
|| 949 endfunction
|| 950
|| 951 function! s:AddImport(import) abort
|| 952 let l:result = search(a:import, 'nw')
|| 953 if l:result == 0
|| 954 let l:start = search('^import', 'nw')
|| 955 if l:start == 0
|| 956 let l:start = search('^package', 'nw')
|| 957 call append(l:start, [""])
|| 958 let l:start += 1
|| 959 endif
|| 960 call append(l:start, [a:import])
|| 961
|| 962 echom "Adding: " .. a:import
|| 963 else
|| 964 echom "Already Present: " .. a:import
|| 965 endif
|| 966 endfunction
|| 967
|| 968 function! s:AddImportCpp(import) abort
|| 969 let l:result = search(a:import, 'nw')
|| 970 if l:result == 0
|| 971 let l:start = search('^#include', 'nw')
|| 972 call append(l:start, [a:import])
|| 973
|| 974 echom "Adding: " .. a:import
|| 975 else
|| 976 echom "Already Present: " .. a:import
|| 977 endif
|| 978 endfunction
|| 979
| 980
| 981
| 982
|+ |- 983 +--- 40 lines:
|| 984 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['Javap'] =
|| 985 \ 'Execute Javap and show output with highlighting'
|| 986 command! -nargs=? -complete=customlist,<SID>JavapComplete -bang
|| 987 \ Javap call <SID>Javap(<q-args>, "<bang>" ==# '!')
|| 988 function! s:Javap(arg, search) abort
|| 989 if empty($CLASSPATH)
|| 990 SetupClasspath
|| 991 endif
|| 992
|| 993
|| 994 let l:cls = empty(a:arg) ? @" : a:arg
|| 995 let l:cls = substitute(l:cls, '\(;\|<.\+>\)', '', 'ga')
|| 996
|| 997 if a:search
|| 998 let l:results = s:JavapComplete(l:cls, v:none, v:none)
|| 999 if len(l:results) == 1
|| 1000 let l:cls = l:results[0]
|| 1001 else
|| 1002 call maktaba#ui#selector#Create(l:results)
|| 1003 \.WithMappings({'<cr>': [function("s:JavapOpen")->get("name"), 'Close', 'Open window']})
|| 1004 \.Show()
|| 1005 return
|| 1006 endif
|| 1007 endif
|| 1008
|| 1009 eval g:jm_term
|| 1010 \.Run(join([g:jm_vimrc.deps.javap, l:cls], ' '))
|| 1011 \.Exec('set ft=java')
|| 1012 endfunction
|| 1013
|| 1014 function! s:JavapComplete(arg_lead, cmd_line, cursor_pos) abort
|| 1015 return g:jm_vimrc.deps.JavaClassnameList()
|| 1016 \->filter('v:val =~# a:arg_lead')
|| 1017 endfunction
|| 1018
|| 1019 function! s:JavapOpen(cls) abort
|| 1020 execute 'Javap ' .. a:cls
|| 1021 endfunction
|| 1022
| 1023
| 1024
| 1025
| 1026
|+ |- 1027 +--- 62 lines:
|| 1028 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['MavenSearch'] =
|| 1029 \ 'Search maven, then either add a dependecy or download the jar'
|| 1030 command! -nargs=1 MavenSearch call <SID>MavenSearch(<q-args>)
|| 1031 command! -nargs=1 M MavenSearch <args>
|| 1032 function! s:MavenSearch(query) abort
|| 1033 const l:query_url = printf(
|| 1034 \ 'https://search.maven.org/solrsearch/select?q=%s&rows=10&wt=json',
|| 1035 \ a:query)
|| 1036
|| 1037 const l:query_cmd = join([
|| 1038 \ g:jm_vimrc.deps.curl,
|| 1039 \ '-s',
|| 1040 \ printf('"%s"', l:query_url),
|| 1041 \ ])
|| 1042
|| 1043 let l:msg = system(l:query_cmd)
|| 1044 let l:resp = json_decode(l:msg).response
|| 1045
|| 1046 if l:resp.numFound == 0
|| 1047 echom "None found!"
|| 1048 return
|| 1049 endif
|| 1050 let l:docs = l:resp.docs
|| 1051 const l:mappings = {
|| 1052 \ '<cr>': [function("s:MInsert")->get("name"), 'Close', 'Insert below'],
|| 1053 \ 'D': [function("s:MDownload")->get("name"), 'Close', 'Insert below'],
|| 1054 \ }
|| 1055 call maktaba#ui#selector#Create(map(l:docs, 'v:val.id .. ":" .. v:val.latestVersion'))
|| 1056 \.WithMappings(l:mappings)
|| 1057 \.Show()
|| 1058 endfunction
|| 1059
|| 1060 function! s:MInsert(msg) abort
|| 1061 let l:spaces = getline('.')->matchstr('^\s*')
|| 1062 call append(line('.'), printf("%simplementation '%s'", l:spaces, a:msg))
|| 1063 endfunction
|| 1064
|| 1065 function! s:MDownload(msg) abort
|| 1066 let [l:package, l:name, l:version] = split(a:msg, ':')
|| 1067 let l:url_package = substitute(l:package, '\.', '/', 'g')
|| 1068 let l:url = printf('https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/%s/%s/%s/',
|| 1069 \ l:url_package,
|| 1070 \ l:name,
|| 1071 \ l:version)
|| 1072 let l:file = printf('%s-%s.jar', l:name, l:version)
|| 1073 let l:file_url = l:url .. l:file
|| 1074 echom l:url .. l:file
|| 1075
|| 1076 const l:cmd = join([
|| 1077 \ g:jm_vimrc.deps.curl,
|| 1078 \ '-o',
|| 1079 \ shellescape(l:file),
|| 1080 \ '-s',
|| 1081 \ shellescape(l:file_url),
|| 1082 \ ])
|| 1083 silent call system(l:cmd)
|| 1084 if v:shell_error
|| 1085 echom 'ERROR: Could not download! ' .. l:file_url
|| 1086 endif
|| 1087 endfunction
|| 1088
| 1089
| 1090
| 1091
| 1092
| 1093
| 1094
| 1095
| 1096
| 1097
| 1098
| 1099
| 1100
| 1101
| 1102
| 1103
| 1104
|+ |- 1105 +--- 69 lines:
|| 1106 function! s:BlazeTargets(fname) abort
|| 1107 let l:query = printf(
|| 1108 \ 'same_pkg_direct_rdeps(%s)',
|| 1109 \ fnamemodify(a:fname, ":p:."),
|| 1110 \ )
|| 1111
|| 1112 let l:command = printf(
|| 1113 \ "%s query '%s'",
|| 1114 \ g:jm_vimrc.deps.blaze,
|| 1115 \ l:query,
|| 1116 \ )
|| 1117 return filter(systemlist(l:command), 'v:val =~# "^//"')
|| 1118 endfunction
|| 1119
|| 1120 function! BlazeGuessCommand(show = v:false) abort
|| 1121 let l:fname = expand('%:p')
|| 1122
|| 1123 let l:target = BlazeTarget()
|| 1124 if l:target ==# "???"
|| 1125 echom "Can't find blaze target!"
|| 1126 return "false"
|| 1127 endif
|| 1128
|| 1129 let l:action = 'build'
|| 1130 if l:fname =~# '\v(_test.cc|Test.java)$' || l:target =~# '\v(_test|Test)$'
|| 1131 let l:action = 'test'
|| 1132 elseif l:fname =~# '\v(main.cc|_bin.cc|Bin.java)$' || l:target =~# '\v(_bin|Bin|main|Main)$'
|| 1133 let l:action = 'run'
|| 1134 elseif l:fname =~# '\v(_bench.cc)$' || l:target =~# '\v(_bench)$'
|| 1135 let l:action = 'run -c opt'
|| 1136 endif
|| 1137
|| 1138 let l:command = printf(
|| 1139 \ "%s %s %s",
|| 1140 \ g:jm_vimrc.deps.blaze,
|| 1141 \ l:action,
|| 1142 \ l:target,
|| 1143 \ )
|| 1144 if a:show
|| 1145 echom 'Using:' l:command
|| 1146 endif
|| 1147 return l:command
|| 1148 endfunction
|| 1149
|| 1150 function! BlazeTarget() abort
|| 1151 return get(s:BlazeTargets(expand('%:p')), 0, "???")
|| 1152 endfunction
|| 1153
|| 1154 function! s:TargetClasspath() abort
|| 1155 let l:target = BlazeTarget()
|| 1156 if l:target ==# "???"
|| 1157 echom "Can't find blaze target!"
|| 1158 return ""
|| 1159 endif
|| 1160
|| 1161 let l:lines = systemlist(printf('blaze print_action "%s"', l:target))
|| 1162 let l:jars = filter(l:lines, {_, v -> v =~# '^\s\+\(outputjar\|classpath\): "[^"]*"'})
|| 1163 \->map({_, v -> matchlist(v, '"\([^"]*\)"')[1]})
|| 1164 return join(l:jars, ':')
|| 1165 endfunction
|| 1166
|| 1167 function! s:CompleteTargets(arg_lead, cmd_line, cursor_pos) abort
|| 1168 if a:arg_lead =~ '^//.*'
|| 1169 return systemlist(printf('%s query ... 2>&1', g:jm_vimrc.deps.blaze))
|| 1170 \->filter('v:val =~# "' .. a:arg_lead .. '"')
|| 1171 endif
|| 1172 endfunction
|| 1173
| 1174
| 1175
| 1176
|+ |- 1177 +--- 16 lines:
|| 1178 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['Touch'] =
|| 1179 \ 'Create files and directories'
|| 1180 command! -nargs=* Touch call s:Touch([<f-args>])
|| 1181 function! s:Touch(paths) abort
|| 1182 for l:path in a:paths
|| 1183 let l:dir = fnamemodify(l:path, ':h')
|| 1184 if l:dir !=# '.' && !isdirectory(l:dir)
|| 1185 call system('mkdir -p ' .. shellescape(l:dir))
|| 1186 endif
|| 1187 if !filereadable(l:path)
|| 1188 call system('touch ' .. shellescape(l:path))
|| 1189 endif
|| 1190 endfor
|| 1191 endfunction
|| 1192
| 1193
| 1194
| 1195
|+ |- 1196 +--- 8 lines:
|| 1197 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['CurrentHLGroup'] =
|| 1198 \ 'Echo name of the highlight group under the cursor'
|| 1199 command! CurrentHLGroup echo s:SyntaxItem()
|| 1200 function! s:SyntaxItem()
|| 1201 return synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name")
|| 1202 endfunction
|| 1203
| 1204
| 1205
| 1206
| 1207
| 1208
| 1209
|+ |- 1210 +--- 9 lines:
|| 1211 function! s:Async(Fn)
|| 1212 eval timer_start(0, a:Fn)
|| 1213 endfunction
|| 1214
|| 1215 function! s:AsyncExec(...)
|| 1216 eval s:Async({-> execute(join(map(a:000, function('string'))))})
|| 1217 endfunction
|| 1218
| 1219
| 1220
| 1221
|+ |- 1222 +--- 17 lines:
|| 1223 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['ConcealK'] =
|| 1224 \ 'Define conceal rules: eg. ConcealK lambda:λ'
|| 1225 command! -complete=expression -nargs=1 ConcealK call <SID>ConcealK(<q-args>)
|| 1226 function! s:ConcealK(repl_str) abort
|| 1227 let l:repl = {}
|| 1228 let l:i = 0
|| 1229 for [l:keyword, l:replacement] in split(a:repl_str, ' ')->map('v:val->split(":")')
|| 1230 let l:i += 1
|| 1231 execute 'syntax keyword'
|| 1232 \ printf('ConcealK%03d', l:i) l:keyword
|| 1233 \ 'conceal' printf('cchar=%s', l:replacement)
|| 1234 endfor
|| 1235 setlocal conceallevel=1
|| 1236 setlocal concealcursor=ni
|| 1237 endfunction
|| 1238
| 1239
| 1240
| 1241
|+ |- 1242 +--- 5 lines:
|| 1243 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['ReadExecute'] =
|| 1244 \ 'Execute then read the output of that vim command'
|| 1245 command! -nargs=* -complete=command ExecuteRead eval append(line('.'), execute(<q-args>)->split("\n"))
|| 1246
| 1247
| 1248
| 1249
|+ |- 1250 +--- 9 lines:
|| 1251 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['Bdz'] =
|| 1252 \ 'Run buildozer on current target (or :__pkg__ if none exists)'
|| 1253 command! -nargs=* Bdz echom
|| 1254 \ system(printf("fish -c \"buildozer '%s' %s\"",
|| 1255 \ join([<f-args>], ' '),
|| 1256 \ BlazeTarget() != '???' ? BlazeTarget() : ':__pkg__'
|| 1257 \ ))
|| 1258
| 1259
| 1260
| 1261 "format:`cmd`""format: END"
|+ |- 1262 +--- 38 lines:
|| 1263 let g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands['JemFormat'] =
|| 1264 \ 'Format lines between "format:`cmd`" to "format: END"'
|| 1265 command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,<SID>JemFormatComplete JemFormat eval s:JemFormat[<q-args>]()
|| 1266 let s:JemFormat = {
|| 1267 \ '' : {-> s:JemFormat.format()},
|| 1268 \ 'help' : {-> bss#PP(s:JemFormat, v:true)},
|| 1269 \ }
|| 1270 function! s:JemFormatComplete(arglead, cmdline, curpos) abort
|| 1271 return keys(s:JemFormat)->filter({k, v -> !stridx(v, a:arglead)})
|| 1272 endfunction
|| 1273
|| 1274 function! s:JemFormat.format() abort dict
|| 1275 let command = self.find()
|| 1276 if !empty(command)
|| 1277 silent execute command
|| 1278 endif
|| 1279 endfunction
|| 1280
|| 1281 function! s:JemFormat.find() abort dict
|| 1282 let [_, num, col; _] = getcurpos()
|| 1283 let start_pat = '\v.*for' .. 'mat: `([^`]+)`.*'
|| 1284 let end_pat = '\v.*for' .. 'mat: END.*'
|| 1285 let start_lines = matchbufline(bufnr(), start_pat, 1, num)
|| 1286 let start_line = bss#Last(start_lines)
|| 1287 let end_line = start_line
|| 1288 \->bss#Get('lnum')
|| 1289 \->bss#Apply({l -> matchbufline(bufnr(), end_pat, l, '$')})
|| 1290 \->bss#Apply('bss#Last')
|| 1291 \->bss#Or('$')
|| 1292 if start_line is v:none
|| 1293 return ''
|| 1294 endif
|| 1295 let range = [start_line.lnum + 1, end_line.lnum - 1]->join(',')
|| 1296 let command = substitute(start_line.text, start_pat, '\1', '')
|| 1297 return join([range, command], ' ')
|| 1298 endfunction
|| 1299
| 1300
| 1301
| 1302
| 1303
| 1304
| 1305
| 1306
| 1307
|+ |- 1308 +--- 50 lines:
|| 1309 command! -nargs=1 -complete=file SetupAppendMarkdownBlock
|| 1310 \ nnoremap <buffer> \r :AppendMarkdownBlock <args><cr>
|| 1311 command! -nargs=1 -complete=file -range=% AppendMarkdownBlock
|| 1312 \ eval AppendMarkdownBlock(<q-args>, <line1>, <line2>)
|| 1313 command! -nargs=1 -complete=file AppendMarkdownBlockDebug
|| 1314 \ eval AppendMarkdownBlock(<q-args>, 0, '$', v:true)
|| 1315
|| 1316 function! AppendMarkdownBlock(fname, begin=0, end='$', debug=v:false) abort
|| 1317 let lines = getline(a:begin, a:end)->s:Markdown_lines2codeblock()
|| 1318 if !a:debug
|| 1319 call s:AppendMarkdownBlock_write(a:fname, lines)
|| 1320 else
|| 1321 call s:AppendMarkdownBlock_dump(a:fname, lines)
|| 1322 endif
|| 1323 endfunction
|| 1324
|| 1325
|| 1326
|| 1327
|| 1328 function! s:Markdown_lines2codeblock(lines) abort
|| 1329 let prefix = '```'
|| 1330 let suffix = prefix
|| 1331 return [prefix] + a:lines + [suffix]
|| 1332 endfunction
|| 1333
|| 1334
|| 1335
|| 1336
|| 1337
|| 1338 function! s:AppendMarkdownBlock_write(fname, lines) abort
|| 1339 let prefix = (readfile(a:fname)->bss#Last()->empty())
|| 1340 \ ? [] : [""]
|| 1341 call writefile(prefix + a:lines, a:fname, 'a')
|| 1342 echom "Wrote file" a:fname
|| 1343 endfunction
|| 1344
|| 1345
|| 1346
|| 1347
|| 1348 function! s:AppendMarkdownBlock_dump(fname, lines) abort
|| 1349
|| 1350 echo 'fname:' a:fname
|| 1351 echo 'lines:'
|| 1352 echo
|| 1353 for l in a:lines
|| 1354 echo ' ' .. l
|| 1355 endfor
|| 1356 endfunction
|| 1357
| 1358
| 1359
| 1360
|+ |- 1361 +--- 17 lines:
|| 1362 command! -nargs=? -complete=customlist,s:SetupSlimeTarget_Complete SetupSlimeTarget call s:SetupSlimeTarget(<q-args>)
|| 1363 let s:SlimeTargets = [
|| 1364 \ 'tmux',
|| 1365 \ 'vimterminal',
|| 1366 \ ]
|| 1367 function! s:SetupSlimeTarget(arg) abort
|| 1368 if empty(a:arg)
|| 1369 echom printf('Current slime target: %s', g:slime_target)
|| 1370 else
|| 1371 let g:slime_target = a:arg
|| 1372 endif
|| 1373 endfunction
|| 1374 function! s:SetupSlimeTarget_Complete(arg, ...) abort
|| 1375 return s:SlimeTargets->filter('stridx(v:val, a:arg) == 0')
|| 1376 endfunction
|| 1377
| 1378
| 1379 function! Layout() abort
| 1380 let layout = winlayout()
| 1381 return s:InvertLayout(layout)
| 1382 endfunction
| 1383 function! s:InvertLayout(l, path=[]) abort
| 1384 if len(a:l) != 2
| 1385 throw "ERROR(InvalidArguments): s:InvertLayout expects only 2-element lists"
| 1386 endif
| 1387 let [kind, val] = a:l
| 1388 if kind ==# 'leaf'
| 1389 return {val: join(a:path, '')}
| 1390 elseif kind ==# 'col'
| 1391 return val
| 1392 \->map('s:InvertLayout(v:val, a:path + ["|"])')
| 1393 \->reduce({a, b -> extend(a, b)})
| 1394 elseif kind ==# 'row'
| 1395 return val
| 1396 \->map('s:InvertLayout(v:val, a:path + ["-"])')
| 1397 \->reduce({a, b -> extend(a, b)})
| 1398 endif
| 1399 endfunction
| 1400
| 1401
+ - 1403 +-- 5 lines: Notes
| 1404 let s:Wtf = bss#wtf#Initialize()
| 1405 call bss#wtf#AddDict(['mappings', 'm'], g:jm_vimrc.docs.mappings)
| 1406 call bss#wtf#AddDict(['commands', 'c'], g:jm_vimrc.docs.commands)
| 1407
+ - 1412 +--143 lines: Java Import Cache:
| 1413 let g:jm_vimrc.java_import_cache = #{
| 1414 \ Map : 'java.util.Map',
| 1415 \ Set : 'java.util.Set',
| 1416 \ Stream : 'java.util.stream.Stream',
| 1417 \ Collectors : 'java.util.stream.Collectors',
| 1418 \ counting : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.counting',
| 1419 \ averagingDouble : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.averagingDouble',
| 1420 \ averagingInt : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.averagingInt',
| 1421 \ averagingLong : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.averagingLong',
| 1422 \ collectingAndThen : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.collectingAndThen',
| 1423 \ filtering : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.filtering',
| 1424 \ flatMapping : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.flatMapping',
| 1425 \ groupingBy : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.groupingBy',
| 1426 \ joining : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.joining',
| 1427 \ mapping : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.mapping',
| 1428 \ maxBy : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.maxBy',
| 1429 \ minBy : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.minBy',
| 1430 \ partitioningBy : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.partitioningBy',
| 1431 \ reducing : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.reducing',
| 1432 \ summarizingDouble : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.summarizingDouble',
| 1433 \ summarizingInt : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.summarizingInt',
| 1434 \ summarizingLong : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.summarizingLong',
| 1435 \ summingDouble : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.summingDouble',
| 1436 \ summingInt : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.summingInt',
| 1437 \ summingLong : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.summingLong',
| 1438 \ toCollection : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.toCollection',
| 1439 \ toConcurrentMap : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.toConcurrentMap',
| 1440 \ toList : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList',
| 1441 \ toMap : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.toMap',
| 1442 \ toSet : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.toSet',
| 1443 \ toUnmodifiableList : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.toUnmodifiableList',
| 1444 \ toUnmodifiableMap : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.toUnmodifiableMap',
| 1445 \ toUnmodifiableSet : 'static java.util.stream.Collectors.toUnmodifiableSet',
| 1446 \ Collector : 'java.util.stream.Collector',
| 1447 \ List : 'java.util.List',
| 1448 \ ArrayList : 'java.util.ArrayList',
| 1449 \ LinkedList : 'java.util.LinkedList',
| 1450 \ Iterator : 'java.util.Iterator',
| 1451 \ Optional : 'java.util.Optional',
| 1452 \ HashSet : 'java.util.HashSet',
| 1453 \ HashMap : 'java.util.HashMap',
| 1454 \ TreeMap : 'java.util.TreeMap',
| 1455 \ TreeSet : 'java.util.TreeSet',
| 1456 \ Arrays : 'java.util.Arrays',
| 1457 \ Collection : 'java.util.Collection',
| 1458 \ OrderedMap : 'java.util.OrderedMap',
| 1459 \ NavigableMap : 'java.util.NavigableMap',
| 1460 \ Consumer : 'java.util.function.Consumer',
| 1461 \ Predicate : 'java.util.function.Predicate',
| 1462 \ Function : 'java.util.function.Function',
| 1463 \ Supplier : 'java.util.function.Supplier',
| 1464 \ ImmutableList : 'com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList',
| 1465 \ Lists : 'com.google.common.collect.Lists',
| 1466 \ ImmutableSet : 'com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet',
| 1467 \ Streams : 'com.google.common.collect.Streams',
| 1468 \ Table : 'com.google.common.collect.Table',
| 1469 \ Tables : 'com.google.common.collect.Tables',
| 1470 \ ImmutableTable : 'com.google.common.collect.ImmutableTable',
| 1471 \ toImmutableList : 'static com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList.toImmutableList',
| 1472 \ toImmutableSet : 'static com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet.toImmutableSet',
| 1473 \ ImmutableMap : 'com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap',
| 1474 \ Provider : 'javax.inject.Provider',
| 1475 \ Inject : 'javax.inject.Inject',
| 1476 \ Qualifier : 'javax.inject.Qualifier',
| 1477 \ Singleton : 'javax.inject.Singleton',
| 1478 \ Binds : 'dagger.Binds',
| 1479 \ Module : 'dagger.Module',
| 1480 \ Component : 'dagger.Component',
| 1481 \ Provides : 'dagger.Provides',
| 1482 \ Multibinds : 'dagger.multibindings.Multibinds',
| 1483 \ IntoSet : 'dagger.multibindings.IntoSet',
| 1484 \ IntoMap : 'dagger.multibindings.IntoMap',
| 1485 \ IntKey : 'dagger.multibindings.IntKey',
| 1486 \ LongKey : 'dagger.multibindings.LongKey',
| 1487 \ StringKey : 'dagger.multibindings.StringKey',
| 1488 \ ClassKey : 'dagger.multibindings.ClassKey',
| 1489 \ ElementsIntoSet : 'dagger.multibindings.ElementsIntoSet',
| 1490 \ MapKey : 'dagger.MapKey',
| 1491 \ Path : 'java.nio.file.Path',
| 1492 \ Files : 'java.nio.file.Files',
| 1493 \ ClassReader : 'org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader',
| 1494 \ ClassWriter : 'org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter',
| 1495 \ ClassVisitor : 'org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor',
| 1496 \ Opcodes : 'org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes',
| 1497 \ FieldVisitor : 'org.objectweb.asm.FieldVisitor',
| 1498 \ MethodVisitor : 'org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor',
| 1499 \ TypePath : 'org.objectweb.asm.TypePath',
| 1500 \ Modifier : 'java.lang.reflect.Modifier',
| 1501 \ Executable : 'java.lang.reflect.Executable',
| 1502 \ Field : 'java.lang.reflect.Field',
| 1503 \ Method : 'java.lang.reflect.Method',
| 1504 \ Type : 'java.lang.reflect.Type',
| 1505 \ AnnotatedElement : 'java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement',
| 1506 \ Executor : 'java.util.concurrent.Executor',
| 1507 \ Future : 'java.util.concurrent.Future',
| 1508 \ ExecutorService : 'java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService',
| 1509 \ Executors : 'java.util.concurrent.Executors',
| 1510 \ TimeUnit : 'java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit',
| 1511 \ ThreadPoolExecutor : 'java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor',
| 1512 \ AtomicInteger : 'java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger',
| 1513 \ AtomicLong : 'java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong',
| 1514 \ LongAdder : 'java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder',
| 1515 \ Stats : 'com.google.common.math.Stats',
| 1516 \ Stopwatch : 'com.google.common.base.Stopwatch',
| 1517 \ StatsAccumulator : 'com.google.common.math.StatsAccumulator',
| 1518 \ ConcurrentHashMap : 'java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap',
| 1519 \ assertThat : 'static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat',
| 1520 \ assertWithMessage : 'static com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertWithMessage',
| 1521 \ AuxCounters : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.AuxCounters',
| 1522 \ Benchmark : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark',
| 1523 \ BenchmarkMode : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.BenchmarkMode',
| 1524 \ CompilerControl : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.CompilerControl',
| 1525 \ Fork : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Fork',
| 1526 \ Group : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Group',
| 1527 \ GroupThreads : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.GroupThreads',
| 1528 \ Level : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Level',
| 1529 \ Measurement : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Measurement',
| 1530 \ Mode : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Mode',
| 1531 \ OperationsPerInvocation : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.OperationsPerInvocation',
| 1532 \ OutputTimeUnit : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.OutputTimeUnit',
| 1533 \ Param : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Param',
| 1534 \ Scope : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Scope',
| 1535 \ Setup : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Setup',
| 1536 \ State : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.State',
| 1537 \ TearDown : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.TearDown',
| 1538 \ Threads : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Threads',
| 1539 \ Timeout : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Timeout',
| 1540 \ Warmup : 'org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Warmup',
| 1541 \ BenchmarkParams : 'org.openjdk.jmh.infra.BenchmarkParams',
| 1542 \ Blackhole : 'org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole',
| 1543 \ Control : 'org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Control',
| 1544 \ IterationParams : 'org.openjdk.jmh.infra.IterationParams',
| 1545 \ ThreadParams : 'org.openjdk.jmh.infra.ThreadParams',
| 1546 \ Runner : 'org.openjdk.jmh.runner.Runner',
| 1547 \ RunnerException : 'org.openjdk.jmh.runner.RunnerException',
| 1548 \ CommandLineOptionException : 'org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.CommandLineOptionException',
| 1549 \ CommandLineOptions : 'org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.CommandLineOptions',
| 1550 \ Options : 'org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.Options',
| 1551 \ OptionsBuilder : 'org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.OptionsBuilder',
| 1552 \ ResultFormatType : 'org.openjdk.jmh.results.format.ResultFormatType',
| 1553 \ }
| 1554
+ - 1557 +--193 lines: C++ Import Cache:
| 1558 let g:jm_vimrc.cc_import_cache = {
| 1559 \ '"absl/flags/flag.h"': ['ABSL_FLAG', 'GetFlag'],
| 1560 \ '"absl/flags/declare.h"': ['ABSL_DECLARE_FLAG'],
| 1561 \ '"absl/flags/parse.h"': ['ParseCommandLine'],
| 1562 \ '"absl/flags/usage.h"': ['ProgramUsageMessage', 'SetProgramUsageMessage'],
| 1563 \ '"absl/strings/str_join.h"': ['StrJoin'],
| 1564 \ '"absl/strings/str_cat.h"': ['StrCat'],
| 1565 \ '"absl/strings/str_replace.h"': ['StrReplaceAll'],
| 1566 \ '"absl/strings/str_split.h"': ['StrSplit'],
| 1567 \ '"absl/status/status.h"': ['Status'],
| 1568 \ '"absl/status/statusor.h"': ['StatusOr'],
| 1569 \ '<opencv2/core.hpp>': [
| 1570 \ 'Mat',
| 1571 \ 'Mat_',
| 1572 \ 'Mat1b', 'Mat2b', 'Mat3b', 'Mat4b',
| 1573 \ 'Mat1i', 'Mat2i', 'Mat3i', 'Mat4i',
| 1574 \ 'Mat1f', 'Mat2f', 'Mat3f', 'Mat4f',
| 1575 \ 'Mat1d', 'Mat2d', 'Mat3d', 'Mat4d',
| 1576 \ 'Matx',
| 1577 \ 'Matx22f', 'Matx33f', 'Matx44f',
| 1578 \ 'Matx21f', 'Matx31f', 'Matx41f',
| 1579 \ 'Matx22d', 'Matx33d', 'Matx44d',
| 1580 \ 'Matx21d', 'Matx31d', 'Matx41d',
| 1581 \ 'Vec',
| 1582 \ 'Vec1b', 'Vec2b', 'Vec3b', 'Vec4b', 'Vec6b',
| 1583 \ 'Vec1i', 'Vec2i', 'Vec3i', 'Vec4i', 'Vec6i',
| 1584 \ 'Vec1f', 'Vec2f', 'Vec3f', 'Vec4f', 'Vec6f',
| 1585 \ 'Vec1d', 'Vec2d', 'Vec3d', 'Vec4d', 'Vec6d',
| 1586 \ 'Scalar_', 'Scalar',
| 1587 \ 'Point_', 'Point2i', 'Point2l', 'Point2f', 'Point2d',
| 1588 \ 'Point3_', 'Point3i', 'Point3l', 'Point3f', 'Point3d',
| 1589 \ 'abs',
| 1590 \ 'exp', 'log',
| 1591 \ 'pow', 'sqrt',
| 1592 \ ],
| 1593 \ '<opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>': ['imread', 'imwrite'],
| 1594 \ '<opencv2/imgproc.hpp>': ['circle'],
| 1595 \ '<utility>': [
| 1596 \ 'forward', 'declval',
| 1597 \ 'move', 'swap', 'exchange',
| 1598 \ 'integer_sequence', 'make_integer_sequence',
| 1599 \ 'index_sequence', 'make_index_sequence',
| 1600 \ 'pair', 'make_pair',
| 1601 \ ],
| 1602 \ '<memory>': ['unique_ptr', 'make_unique'],
| 1603 \ '<vector>': ['vector'],
| 1604 \ '<tuple>': [
| 1605 \ 'tuple',
| 1606 \ 'tuple_size',
| 1607 \ 'tuple_element',
| 1608 \ 'get',
| 1609 \ ],
| 1610 \ '<type_traits>': [
| 1611 \ 'enable_if', 'conditional',
| 1612 \ 'enable_if_t', 'conditional_t',
| 1613 \ 'integral_constant', 'bool_constant',
| 1614 \ 'true_type', 'false_type',
| 1615 \ 'conjunction', 'disjunction', 'negation',
| 1616 \ 'conjunction_v', 'disjunction_v', 'negation_v',
| 1617 \ 'is_same', 'is_base_of', 'is_convertible',
| 1618 \ 'is_same_v', 'is_base_of_v', 'is_convertible_v',
| 1619 \ ],
| 1620 \ '<array>': ['array'],
| 1621 \ '<valarray>': ['valarray'],
| 1622 \ '<cstddef>': [
| 1623 \ 'size_t', 'ptrdiff_t', 'nullptr_t',
| 1624 \ ],
| 1625 \ '<future>': [
| 1626 \ 'future', 'promise', 'async', 'launch',
| 1627 \ ],
| 1628 \ '<thread>': [
| 1629 \ 'thread', 'this_thread', 'yield', 'get_id', 'sleep_for',
| 1630 \ ],
| 1631 \ '<cstdint>': [
| 1632 \ 'int8_t', 'int16_t', 'int32_t', 'int64_t',
| 1633 \ 'uint8_t', 'uint16_t', 'uint32_t', 'uint64_t',
| 1634 \ ],
| 1635 \ '<cmath>': [
| 1636 \ 'abs',
| 1637 \ 'exp', 'log', 'log2', 'log10',
| 1638 \ 'pow', 'sqrt', 'hypot',
| 1639 \ 'sin', 'cos', 'tan',
| 1640 \ 'asin', 'acos', 'atan',
| 1641 \ 'sinh', 'cosh', 'tanh',
| 1642 \ 'asinh', 'acosh', 'atanh',
| 1643 \ 'ceil', 'floor', 'trunc', 'round',
| 1644 \ ],
| 1645 \ '<string>': [
| 1646 \ 'string',
| 1647 \ 'to_string',
| 1648 \ 'stoi', 'stol', 'stoul', 'stoll', 'stoull',
| 1649 \ 'stof', 'stod', 'stold',
| 1650 \ ],
| 1651 \ '<map>': ['map'],
| 1652 \ '<unordered_map>': ['unordered_map'],
| 1653 \ '<set>': ['set'],
| 1654 \ '<iostream>': [
| 1655 \ 'cout', 'cin', 'cerr',
| 1656 \ 'endl',
| 1657 \ ],
| 1658 \ '<ios>': [
| 1659 \ 'internal', 'left', 'right',
| 1660 \ 'boolalpha', 'showbase', 'showpos',
| 1661 \ 'dec', 'hex', 'oct',
| 1662 \ 'fixed', 'scientific', 'default',
| 1663 \ ],
| 1664 \ '<format>': ['format'],
| 1665 \ '<iomanip>': [
| 1666 \ 'setw',
| 1667 \ 'quoted',
| 1668 \ ],
| 1669 \ '<unordered_set>': ['unordered_set'],
| 1670 \ '<optional>': ['optional'],
| 1671 \ '<complex>': ['complex'],
| 1672 \ '<initializer_list>': ['initializer_list'],
| 1673 \ '<numeric>': [
| 1674 \ 'iota',
| 1675 \ 'accumulate',
| 1676 \ 'reduce',
| 1677 \ 'inner_product',
| 1678 \ 'adjacent_difference',
| 1679 \ 'partial_sum',
| 1680 \ ],
| 1681 \ '<cstdlib>': [
| 1682 \ 'system',
| 1683 \ 'exit',
| 1684 \ 'getenv',
| 1685 \ 'malloc',
| 1686 \ 'free',
| 1687 \ 'aligned_malloc',
| 1688 \ ],
| 1689 \ '<random>': [
| 1690 \ 'random_device',
| 1691 \ 'mt19937',
| 1692 \ 'mt19937_64',
| 1693 \ 'uniform_real_distribution',
| 1694 \ 'uniform_int_distribution',
| 1695 \ 'normal_distribution',
| 1696 \ ],
| 1697 \ '<functional>': [
| 1698 \ 'function',
| 1699 \ 'plus', 'minus', 'multiplies', 'divides',
| 1700 \ 'equal_to', 'not_equal_to',
| 1701 \ 'greater', 'less', 'greater_equal', 'less_equal',
| 1702 \ 'logical_and', 'logical_or', 'logical_not',
| 1703 \ 'bit_end', 'bit_or', 'bit_xor', 'bit_not',
| 1704 \ ],
| 1705 \ '<algorithm>': [
| 1706 \
| 1707 \ 'all_of', 'any_of', 'none_of',
| 1708 \ 'for_each', 'for_each_n',
| 1709 \ 'count', 'count_if',
| 1710 \ 'mismatch',
| 1711 \ 'find', 'find_if', 'find_if_not',
| 1712 \ 'find_end', 'find_first_of', 'adjacent_find',
| 1713 \ 'search', 'search_n',
| 1714 \
| 1715 \ 'copy', 'copy_backward', 'move', 'move_backward', 'copy_n',
| 1716 \ 'fill', 'fill_n', 'transform', 'generate', 'generate_n',
| 1717 \ 'remove', 'remove_if', 'remove_copy', 'remove_copy_if',
| 1718 \ 'replace', 'replace_if', 'replace_copy', 'replace_copy_if',
| 1719 \ 'swap', 'swap_ranges', 'swap_iter',
| 1720 \ 'reverse', 'reverse_copy', 'rotate',
| 1721 \ 'rotate_copy',
| 1722 \ 'shuffle',
| 1723 \ 'max', 'min', 'max_element', 'min_element', 'minmax',
| 1724 \ ],
| 1725 \ '"absl/algorithm/container.h"': [
| 1726 \
| 1727 \ 'c_all_of', 'c_any_of', 'c_none_of',
| 1728 \ 'c_for_each', 'c_for_each_n',
| 1729 \ 'c_count', 'c_count_if',
| 1730 \ 'c_mismatch',
| 1731 \ 'c_find', 'c_find_if', 'c_find_if_not',
| 1732 \ 'c_find_end', 'c_find_first_of', 'c_adjacent_find',
| 1733 \ 'c_search', 'c_search_n',
| 1734 \
| 1735 \ 'c_copy', 'c_copy_backward', 'c_move', 'c_move_backward', 'c_copy_n',
| 1736 \ 'c_fill', 'c_fill_n', 'c_transform', 'c_generate', 'c_generate_n',
| 1737 \ 'c_remove', 'c_remove_if', 'c_remove_copy', 'c_remove_copy_if',
| 1738 \ 'c_replace', 'c_replace_if', 'c_replace_copy', 'c_replace_copy_if',
| 1739 \ 'c_swap', 'c_swap_ranges', 'c_swap_iter',
| 1740 \ 'c_reverse', 'c_reverse_copy', 'c_rotate',
| 1741 \ 'c_rotate_copy',
| 1742 \ 'c_shuffle',
| 1743 \ ],
| 1744 \ '<iterator>': [
| 1745 \ 'istream_iterator',
| 1746 \ 'ostream_iterator',
| 1747 \ ],
| 1748 \ }
| 1749